A List of George Whitefield's Published Sermons


Individual Sermons


The Benefits of an Early Piety. A Sermon Preached at Bow Church, London. Before the Religious Societies (London, 1737).

The Nature and Necessity of our New Birth in Christ Jesus, in Order to Salvation. A Sermon Preached in the Church of St Mary Radcliffe, in Bristol (London, 1737).



Intercession every Christian’s Duty: A Sermon preached at the Parish Church of Great Saint Helen, on Tuesday, December 27 1737 (London, 1738)

Of Justification by Christ: A Sermon Preached at the Parish Church of Saint Antholin (London, 1738).

Thankfulness for Mercies Received, a Necessary Duty. A Farwell Sermon Preached on Board the Whitaker at Anchor near Savannah in Georgia … (London 1738).

The Almost Christian: A Sermon Preached at the Parish Church of Saint John, Wapping (London, 1738).

The Eternity of Hell Torments. A Sermon Preached at Savannah in Georgia (London: James Hutton, 1738).

The Great Duty of Family Religion: A Sermon Preached at the Parish Church of Saint Vedast, Foster Lane (London, 1738).

The Heinous Sin of Profane Cursing and Swearing: A Sermon Preached at the Parish Church of St Nicholas Cole-Abby (London, 1738).

The Nature and Necessity of Self-denial: A Sermon Preached at the parish Church of St Andrew, Holborn, on Sunday, October 9, 1737 (London, 1738).

The Nature and Necessity of Society in General, and of Religious Society in Particular. A Sermon Preached in the Parish Church of St Nicholas in Bristol, . . . in the year 1737 (London, 1738).



A Preservative against Unsettled Notions, and Want of Principles in regard to Righteousness and Christian Perfection. An Explanatory Sermon on that mistaken text ‘Be not Righteous over-much . . .’ Being a more particular Answer to Dr Trapp’s Four Sermons upon the same text, than have yet been publish’d (London, 1739).

A Sermon on Regeneration (Boston, 1739).

An Exhortation to the People of God not to be discouraged in their Way, the the Scoffs and Contempt of wicked Men. A Sermon Preached in Mr. Delamont’s Yard at Blendon Hall near Bexley (London, 1739).

Directions How to Hear Sermons: A Sermon Preached at Christ’s Church in Spittlefields, London, 1739).

Jesus Christ the Only Way to Salvation: A Sermon Preached on Kennington-Common (London, 1739).

Satan’s Devices. A Sermon Preached at Great St Helen’s, London (London, 1739).          

The Care of the Soul Urged as the One Thing Needful’, in Discourses on the Following Subjects (London, 1739).

The Duty of Searching the Scriptures. A Sermon preached at St Michael, Cornhill (London, 1739).

The Folly and Danger of Not Being Righteous Enough. A Sermon Preached at Kennington Common, Moorfields and Blackheath (London, 1739).

The Heinous Sin of Drunkenness: A Sermon preached on Board the Whitaker (London, 1739).

The Indwelling of the Spirit, the Common Privilege of all Believers. A Sermon preached at the Parish-Church of Bexly in Kent, on Witsunday, 1739 (London, 1739).

The Knowledge of Jesus Christ, the best Knowledge. A Sermon preached at Great St Helen’s, London (London, 1739).

The Marks of the New Birth: A Sermon Preached at the Parish Church of St Mary, White-Chapel, London (London, 1739).

The Power of Christ’s Resurrection. A Sermon Preached at Werburgh’s in the City of Bristol (London, 1739).

Watching, The Peculiar Duty of a Christian: A Sermon Preached at Mary-le-bone, Moorefields, and Kennington-Common (London, 1739).

Worldly Business No Plea for the Neglect of Religion. A Sermon Preached at the Parish of St Lawrence, Old Jewry, London (London, 1739).

The Necessity of the Righteousness of Christ. A farewell [sic] sermon [on Luke xviii. 14] (London 1739) [British Library, digital copy]


‘Blind Bartimaeus’ in Sermons by the Late Rev. George Whitefield, A.M. (Glasgow, 1740), pp.

‘The Conversion of Zacchaeus’, in Sermons by the Late Rev. George Whitefield, AM (Glasgow, 1740), pp.

‘The Gospel Supper’, in Sermons by the Late Rev. George Whitefield, A.M. (Glasgow, 1740), pp.

‘The Pharisee and the Publican’, in Sermons by the Late Rev. George Whitefield, A.M. (Glasgow, 1740), pp.

‘The Resurrection of Lazarus’, in Sermons by the Late Rev. George Whitefield, A.M. (Glasgow, 1740), pp.

‘Walking with God’, in Sermons by the Late Rev. George Whitefield, A.M. (Glasgow, 1740), pp. 1–26.

A New Heart, the best new year’s gift, and repentance the only way to obtain it. A Sermon preach’d at Bristol, January the first (London, 1740). 

Christ the Best Husband: or an Earnest Invitation to Young Women to Come and See Christ. A Sermon Preached to a Society of Young Women in Fetter Lane. (London, 1740).

Christ the only Preservative against a Reprobate Spirit: A Sermon Preached at Blackheath (London, 1740).

Christ the only Rest for the Weary and Heavy Laden: A Sermon Preach’d at Kennington-Common (London, 1740).

Christ the Support of the Tempted: A Sermon Preach’d at Black-heath (London, 1740).

God’s Free Grace in the Salvation of Sinners, proved from the Conversion of St Paul. A Sermon preach’d at Newington (London, 1740).

The Danger of Man Resulting from Sin, and His Remedy by Christ Considered: A Sermon Preached on Kennington-common (London, 1740).

The Folly and Danger of Parting with Christ for the Pleasure and Profits of Life: A Sermon Preached at Kennington-Common (London, 1740).

The Great Duty of Charity Recommended, Particularly to all who Profess Christianity: A Sermon preached at Kennington-Common, and at Gloucester, &c (London, 1740).

The Marriage of Cana: A Sermon Preached at Black-Heath in the Year 1739 (Edinburgh, 1740).

The Observation of the Birth of Christ, the Duty of all Christians; or the true Way of keeping Christmas. A Sermon preach’d at Bristol (London, 1740).

The Polite and Fashionable Diversions of the Age, destructive to Soul and Body: A Sermon Preach’d at Blackheath (London, 1740).

The Wise and Foolish Virgins: A Sermon Preached at Moor-fields, and Kennington-Common, in the year 1739 (Edinburgh, 1740).

What think ye of Christ? A Sermon preached at Kennington-Common, in the year 1739 (London, 1740).


Persecution, the Christian’s Lot: A Sermon preached on Monday Afternoon. September 14th 1741. In the High-church-yard of Glasgow (Glasgow, 1741).

Saul’s Conversion. A Lecture Preached on Saturday Afternoon, September 12th 1741. In the High-Church-Yard of Glasgow, Upon Acts ix. (Glasgow, 1741).

The Believer’s Golden Chain: A Farewell Sermon, Preached on Tuesday afternoon, September 15th, 1741 in the High-Church-Yard of Glasgow (Glasgow, 1741).

The Duty of a Gospel Minister. A Sermon Preached on Saturday Forenoon, September 12th, 1741. In the Hugh-Church-yard of Glasgow, upon Luke IV. 18, 19 (Glasgow, 1741).

The Kingdom of God. A Sermon Preached on Sabbath Evening, September 13th, 1741. In the Hugh-Church-Yard of Glasgow, upon Rom. xiv, 17 (Glasgow: Robert Smith, 1741).

The Lord our Righteousness: A Sermon Preached on Friday forenoon, Sept 11th 1741 in the Hugh-church-yard of Glasgow (Glasgow, 1741).

The Method of Grace. A Sermon, Preached on Sabbath morning, September 13th, 1741. In the High-Church-Yard of Glasgow, upon Jer. vi. 14 (Glasgow, 1741).

The Prodigal Son. A Lecture, preached on Friday afternoon, September 11 1741, in the High Church Yard of Glasgow (Glasgow, 1741).


‘Abraham’s Offering Up His Son Isaac’, in in Nine Sermons upon the Following Subjects (Edinburgh, 1742)

‘The Holy Spirit Convincing the World of Sin, Righteousness and Judgement’, in Nine Sermons upon the Following Subjects (Edinburgh, 1742), pp. 157–78. 

‘The Seed of the Woman and the Seed of the Serpent’, in Nine Sermons upon the Following Subjects (Edinburgh, 1742), pp. 27–52.

The Barren fig-tree: A Sermon preached on Thursday Morning October 21st, 1742. In the High-Church-Yard, of Glasgow (Glasgow, 1742).


The Great Danger of Conformity to the World. A Sermon Preached on Friday October 22nd 1742, in the High-Church-yard of Glasgow (Glasgow, 1743). [Georgia Historical Society]


Britain’s Mercies and Britain’s Duty. Represented in a Sermon Preached at Philadelphia … And Occasioned by the Suppression of the Late Unnatural Rebellion (London, 1746).


‘Christ the Believer’s Husband’ in Five Sermons on the Following Subjects (Philadelphia, 1747), pp. 1–38.




Christ the Physician of the Soul. A Sermon by the Rev. Mr. G. Wh-f--d. Taken by a Master of Short-Hand, Word for Word as he preached it (1750? London?).  


The Putting on of the New Man a certain Mark of the real Christian. A Sermon Preached at the Tabernacle on the Fifth of January, 1750 (London, 1750).



Flying from the wrath to come. A sermon preached in the Castle-yeard [sic] of Glasgow (Glasgow, 1753). [National Library of Scotland]

The invaluable worth of the soul. A sermon preached in the Castle-Yeard [sic] of Glasgow (Glasgow, 1753). [National Library of Scotland].

The True Nature of Beholding the Lamb of God, and Peter’s Denial of His Lord. Opened and Explained in Two Sermons by George Whitefield (London, 1753). 



Aaron’s Blessing the Children of Israel. A Farewell Sermon Preached at Edinburgh, in the Orphan-Hospital-Park, 13th September, 1762. (Edinburgh, 1762).   


A Sermon by the Reverend Mr George Whitefield, being his last farewell to his friends, preached at the Tabernacle in Moorfields, August 30th 1769, immediately before his Departure for Georgia (London, 1769).


1771 (Gilles)

‘Christ Transfiguration’, in The Works of the Rev. George Whitefield M.A., ed. John Gillies, vol. 5 (London, 1771), pp. 440–55.

‘Marks of a True Conversion’, in The Works of the Rev. George Whitefield M.A., ed. John Gillies, vol. 5 (London, 1771), pp. 336–352.

‘Sermon LVII: Preached Before the Governor and Council, and the House of Assembly, in Georgia, on January 28, 1770’, in in The Works of the Rev. George Whitefield M.A., ed. John Gillies, vol. 5 (London, 1771), pp. 369–87.

‘The Potter and the Clay’, in The Works of the Rev. George Whitefield M.A., ed. John Gillies, vol. 5 (London, 1771), pp. 197–215.

‘The Righteousness of Christ an Everlasting Righteousness’, in The Works of the Rev. George Whitefield M.A., ed. John Gillies, vol. 5 (London, 1771), pp. 235–50.

‘The Temptation of Christ’, in The Works of the Rev. George Whitefield M.A., ed. John Gillies, vol. 5 (London, 1771), pp. 262–75.

‘Marks of Having Received the Holy Ghost’, in The Works of the Rev. George Whitefield M.A., ed. John Gillies, vol. 6 (London, 1771), pp. 161–73.

‘Christians, Temples of the Living God’, in The Works of the Rev. George Whitefield M.A., ed. John Gillies, vol. 6 (London, 1771), pp. 273–86. 

Sermon Collections

The Christian’s Companion: Or, Sermons on Several Subjects (London: Printed and Sold by Booksellers in Town and Country, 1738).

1.      Against Profane Swearing and Cursing

2.      The Benefits of an early Piety

3.      The Almost Christian

4.      The Nature and Necessity of Self-Denial

5.      The Nature and Necessity of Society in general, and of Religious Society in particular

6.      Of Justification by Christ

7.      The Nature and Necessity of our New Birth in Christ Jesus, in order to Salvation

8.      The Great Duty of Family Religion

9.      Intercession every Christian’s Duty: A Farewell Sermon.


Sermons on Various Subjects (2 vols, London: James Hutton, 1739)

Volume 1:

1.      Of Justification by Christ

2.      The Almost Christian

3.      The Extent and Reasonableness of Self-Denial

4.      The Necessity and Benefits of Religious Society

5.      Intercessions every Christian’s Duty

6.      The Great Duty of Family-Religion

7.      The Heinous Sin of Profane Cursing and Swearing

8.      Thankfulness for Mercies received, a Necessary Duty

9.      The Eternity of Hell-Torments

Volume 2:

1.      Directions how to hear Sermons

2.      Worldly Business no Plea for the Neglect of Religion

3.      The Marks of the New Birth

4.      The Power of Christ’s Resurrection

5.      The Duty of Searching the Scriptures

6.      Satan’s Devices

7.      The Knowledge of Jesus Christ the best Knowledge

8.      The Heinous Sin of Drunkenness


The Doctrine of the Gospel Asserted and Vindicated, in Eighteenth Genuine Sermons (London, 1739)

1.      Of Justification by Christ

2.      The Almost Christian

3.      The Extent and Reasonableness of Self-Denial

4.      The Necessity and Benefits of Religious Societies

5.      Intercession every Christian’s Duty

6.      The Great Duty of Family-Religion

7.      The Heinous Sin of Profane Cursing and Swearing

8.      Thankfulness for Mercies Received, a Necessary Duty

9.      The Eternity of Hell-Torments

10.   Directions how to Hear Sermons

11.   Worldly Business no Plea for Neglect of Religion

12.   The Marks of the New Birth

13.   The Power of Christ’s Resurrection

14.   The Duty of Searching the Scriptures

15.   Satan’s Devices

16.   The Knowledge of Jesus Christ the best Knowledge

17.   The Heinous Sin of Drunkenness

18.   The Holy Ghost the Privilege of all Believers now, as well as formerly.


The Christian’s Companion: or, Sermons on Several Subjects (London, 1739).

1.      Directions how to hear Sermons

2.      Worldly Business no Pleasure for the Neglect of Religion

3.      The Marks of the New Birth

4.      The Power of Christ’s Resurrection

5.      The Duty of Searching the Scriptures

6.      Satan’s Devices

7.      The Knowledge of Jesus Christ the best Knowledge

8.      The Heinous Sin of Drunkenness

9.      The Eternity of Hell Torments

10.   The Necessary Duty of Thankfulness for Mercies received

11.   The Indwelling of the Spirit the Privilege of Believers

12.   The Folly and Danger of being not Righteous enough, as well as or being Righteous over-much

13.   The Rev. Mr. Whitefield’s Answer to the Bp. of London’s Pastoral Letter. And

14.   A Supplement to Mr Whitefield’s Answer


Discourses on the Following Subjects (London, 1739).

1.      Directions how to hear Sermons

2.      Worldly Business no Please for the Neglect of Religion

3.      Satan’s Devices

4.      The Marks of the New Birth

5.      The Knowledge of Jesus Christ the best Knowledge

6.      The Heinous Sin of Drunkenness

7.      The Power of Christ’s Resurrection

8.      The Duty of Searching the Scriptures

9.      Thankfulness for Mercies received, a necessary Duty

10.   The Benefits of an Early Piety

11.   The Folly and Danger of being not Righteous enough

12.   The indwelling of the Spirit, the common Privilege of all believers.

13.   The Necessity of the Righteousness of Christ

14.   A Preservative against unsettled Notions, and want of Principles, in regard to Righteousness and Christian Perfection

15.   The Care of the Soul urged as the One Thing Needful

16.   Watching, the peculiar Duty of a Christian

17.   An Exhortation to come and see Jesus

18.   The Spirit, Doctrines, and Lives of our Modern Clergy, not conformable to the Spirit of Christ

19.   Jesus Christ the only Way to Salvation

20.   An Exhortation to the People of God not to be discouraged in their Way, the the Scoffs and Contempt of wicked Men.


Sermons on Various Subjects (London: James Hutton, 1739)

1.      Of our New Birth in Christ Jesus

2.      On Religious Society

3.      On the Benefits of an Early Piety

4.      On Self-Denial

5.      On Intercession

6.      On Justification

7.      Od the Heinous Sin of profane Cursing and Swearing

8.      On the great Duty of Family Religion

9.      Thankfulness for Mercies received a necessary Duty.


Sermons by the Late Rev. George Whitefield, AM (Glasgow, 1740)

1.      Walking with God

2.      The Care of the Soul urged as the one Thing needful

3.      The Benefits of an early Piety

4.      Christ the Believer’s Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification and Redemption

5.      The Gospel Supper

6.      The Pharisee and Publican

7.      The Conversion of Zacchaeus

8.      The Resurrection of Lazarus

9.      Satan’s Devices

10.   Blind Bartimaeus

11.   The Wise and foolish Virgins

12.   On regenerations


Sermons on Various Subjects (Philadelphia: B. Franklin, 1740)

Volume 1

1.      On Regeneration

2.      Of Justification by Christ

3.      On Early Piety

4.      The Almost Christian

5.      The Extent and reasonableness of Self-Denial

6.      The Necessity and Benefits of Religious Society

7.      Intercession every Christian’s Duty

8.      The great Duty of Family Religion

9.      The Heinous Sin of profane Cursing and Swearing

10.   Thankfulness for Mercies received, a necessary duty

11.   The Eternity of Hell-Torments

12.   Directions how to hear Sermons


Nine Sermons upon the Following Subjects (London, 1742)

1.      The Lord our Righteousness

2.      The Seed of the Woman and the Seed of the Serpent

3.      Persecution every Christian’s LOT

4.      Abraham’s offering up his Son Isaac.

5.      Saul’s Conversion

6.      The Pharisee and Publican

7.      Christ, the Believer’s Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification, and Redemption

8.      The Holy Spirit convincing the World of Sin, of Righteousness, and of Judgement.

9.      The Conversion of Zacchaeus


Twenty-three Sermons on Various Subjects. To which are Added Several Prayers. By George Whitefield (London: W. Strahan, 1745).

1.      The marriage of Cana

2.      Thankfulness for Mercies received a necessary duty

2.On Regeneration

3.      Of F by Christ

4.      The Heinous Sin of profane cursing and swearing

5.      The Eternity of Hell-Torments

6.      Necessity and Benefits of Religious Society

7.      The Almost Christian

8.      Directions how to hear Sermons

9.      The Extent and Reasonableness of Self-Denial

10.   On Early Piety

11.   The Great Duty of Family-Religion

12.   Intercession every Christian’s Duty

13.   Worldly Business no Plea for the Neglect of Religion

14.   The Marks of the New Birth

15.   The power of Christ’s Resurrection

16.   The Duty of Searching the Scriptures

17.   Satan’s Devices

18.   The Knowledge of Jesus Christ the best Knowledge

19.   The Heinous Sin of Drunkenness

20.   The Indwelling of the Spirit the common Privilege of all Believers

21.   The wise and foolish Virgins

22.   What think ye of Christ?


Five Sermons on the Following Subjects (Philadelphia, 1747).


1.      Christ the Believer’s Husband

2.      The Gospel Supper

3.      Blind Bartimaeus

4.      Walking with God

5.      The Resurrection of Lazarus 


Six Sermons on the Following Subjects (London, 1750).

1.      Christ, the Believer’s Husband

2.      The Gospel Supper

3.      Blind Bartimaeus

4.      Walking with God

5.      The Resurrection of Lazarus

6.      Britain’s Mercies and Britain’s Duty 


Ten Sermons on the Following Subjects (Glasgow, 1751)

1.      Christ the Believer’s Husband

2.      The Gospel Supper

3.      Blind Bartimaeus

4.      Walking with God

5.      The Resurrection of Lazarus

6.      Britain’s Mercies and Britain’s Duty 

7.      Christ, the Believer’s Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification, and Redemption

8.      The Pharisee and the Publican

9.      The Holy Spirit convincing the World of Sin, Righteousness, and Judgement

10.   The Conversion of Zacchaeus  


Eighteen Sermons Preached by the late Rev. George Whitefield, A.M. on the Following Subjects … Taken Verbatim in Short-Hand, and faithfully Transcribed by Joseph Gurney. Revised by Andrew Gifford, D.D. (London, 1771).

1.      A Faithful Minister’s Parting Blessing

2.      Christ the Believer’s Refuge

3.      Soul Prosperity

4.      The Gospel a dying Saint’s Triumph

5.      Repentance and Conversion

6.      Glorifying God in the Fire; or, the right Improvement of Affliction

7.      The Beloved of God

8.      The Furnace of Affliction

9.      The LORD our Light

10.   Self-Enquiry concerning the Work of God

11.   The burning Bush

12.   Soul Dejection

13.   Spiritual Baptism

14.   Neglect of Christ the killing Sin

15.   All Men’s Place

16.   God a Believer’s Glory

17.   Jacob’s Ladder

18.   The Good Shepherd




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